Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus
A lighthearted podcast that interviews Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus employees so you can learn more about their story and their work at Brindlee. Additionally, guests from around the fire service will join the podcast from time to time. Get to know the team!
Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus
Jonathan Christensen - The Green Chili King
In the conversation with Jonathan, we learn a little about his arranged marriage - which seems to have worked out really well for him. We talk about future kids for them - and how many is he thinking. We realized that Jonathan didn't watch any quality TV when he completely missed a Seinfeld reference.
We learned that Jonathan speaks Tim's spiritual language - which is Little Rosie's breakfast. We learned what he went to college for and what a Biblical Study degree is - also that a Master of Divinity degree has nothing to do with the white candy with a pecan or cherry on top. Apparently, when he was getting his Biblical Studies degree, they completely bypassed why Naaman was baptized 7 times in the Jordan River. We didn't even question whether he dipped or sprinkled - or was he an infant. They also didn't cover why pastors lay their watches on the pulpit in a big show...which for those of you who don't know literally means nothing since they pay no attention to it.
Finally - we learn how he came to be at Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus and what he does for us. Thankfully, he gave us some insight into what our Prospecting Team does here since it's been a mystery for the majority of us.