Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus
A lighthearted podcast that interviews Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus employees so you can learn more about their story and their work at Brindlee. Additionally, guests from around the fire service will join the podcast from time to time. Get to know the team!
Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus
Stuartt Clark - Prospecting Team or Host Team
On this episode, we talk with Stuartt Clark - by his own admission, the hardest worker on the Prospecting Team. We'll dig down into who Stuartt really is - although we never touch on why he spells his name with 2 "t's", we do dig into his sordid past as a host at a steak house in Pennsylvania. It may or may not result in a future road trip. Somehow we worked Zack Lightfoot into the conversation who will be on a future episode but this will give you a little taste of what that will be like. You'll discover a little about Stuartt's family on this episode and what is the one thing he would want if he were stranded on a deserted island.